NIWEE is a program supporting Indigenous women interested in launching their business.
NIWEE is a National Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs Ecosystem. It provides the landscape where business ideas take root and grow with a goal of sustainability. Every element in the ecosystem contributes to the success. Here is what Indigenous women entrepreneurs had to say
Indigenous women interested in launching their small business will be provided with a 5-month holistic program at no cost to them.
Participants will also benefit from having access to coaches and mentors willing to share their wisdom, specialized knowledge and experience with Indigenous women looking to create businesses that are built to endure.
To learn more about the program, download this PDF brochure – Click on brochure
The program will be set up in two communities starting in October 2018 Edmonton, AB and Sudbury, ON — more communities will be invited to join this National Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs Ecosystem in 2019.
For more information, contact NIWEE tel. 613.686.1190
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