To start the Foresight method process we’ve asked in video interviews recognized  subject experts to share their perspectives on eight questions.  The interviewees were:  Dr. Shannon MacDonald, Deputy Chief  Medical Officer, First Nations Health Authority of BC; Cora-Lee McGuire-Cyrette, Executive Director, Ontario Native Women Association; and Erica Samms-Hurley, Nurse Educator, Western Regional School of Nursing, Grenfell Campus-Memorial University of Newfoundland, Corner Brook, NL.

The questions asked touched on subject areas like:

  • Role Aboriginal women play on family and community health
  • Research gaps with regards to Aboriginal women’s health and their impact
  • Health research affecting health care programs, services and policies I
  • Improve data and how it would impact on the health of Aboriginal women and their families
  • TRC : what does reconciliation look like for Aboriginal women’s health
  • Achieving  health equity — impact of community driven health research \
  • Meaningful research and knowledge.

 Subject Experts’ Sharing Their Views

Dr. Shannon McDonald

Cora-Lee MCGuire-Cyrette

Erica Samms-Hurley











